I can’t even tell you when or how we reconnected. Oh. I had to go to Greysons. I really would have avoided it if I could have. We end up meeting up. Stupid. I say stupid because we really
I’m back. Been a few days. Today is a bit dark for me. Day after Valentines day… yes a stupid fucking holiday. It is. But you can’t say it doesn’t have meaning. In the long
I guess we spent a lot of time together in August… I have good memories. Like that weekend we got pizza and just hibernated in the house watching movies. It was little glimpses like that where
JULY This is the pivotal month. I’m at your house and we wake up together and have amazing sex. Like…. really really really good. Really good. You get up to go to the shower and we know
I want to make it clear that I’m truly not using these posts or letters to paint you in a bad light or to point out your flaws, I really just want a place to get it all out. How it felt. What
APRIL So we got back to ‘good’ somehow after the Mr. Waterbury debacle. Thank you for letting it go. Even when we went to Virginia, he text, completely randomly and you didn’t even
MARCH I don’t know when or how or who reached out or how it happened or whatever but we reconnected sometime in the beginning of March. You text that you missed me or something I do not
I actually sat down earlier to write about 2020 because it was truly what has been causing me a lot of pain more recently, obviously I need to deal with it but I thought let me start at the
OCTOBER She calls me again. At 8 fucking am in the morning. Some of us… actually have to work so I don’t know why the fuck she thought that was reasonable. Just when it feels like I can
JUNE I’d say we are intermittently seeing each other at this point through May and June. I know we are still having sex. I’m trying to believe that you’ve moved on from The Friend.